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How to Clone Cannabis Plant: A Comprehensive Guide

green leaves in close up photography

Cannabis cultivation is an art, and mastering the skill of cloning cannabis plants is a crucial aspect for growers seeking to replicate their favorite strains or create consistent yields. Cloning allows you to preserve the genetics of a beloved plant and produce new ones with the same desirable traits. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of how to clone cannabis plants effectively.

How to Clone Cannabis Plant

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the cloning process, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals. Cloning is a method of asexual reproduction where you create genetically identical plants from a parent plant. The key is to encourage the growth of new roots on a cutting, which will eventually become a new, independent plant.

Choosing the Right Mother Plant

The first step in successful cannabis cloning is selecting a healthy and robust mother plant. Here’s what to look for:

  • Vigorous Growth: Choose a mother plant that displays robust and healthy growth characteristics, such as lush foliage and strong stems.
  • Desirable Traits: Select a plant with the specific traits you want to replicate, such as high potency, flavor, or yield.
  • Disease-Free: Ensure the mother plant is free from pests and diseases as these can be transferred to the clones.
green plant on persons hand

Gather Your Materials

Before you start cloning, gather all the necessary materials:

  • Sharp Razor or Scissors: You’ll need a clean and sharp cutting tool to make precise cuts.
  • Rooting Hormone: A rooting hormone encourages the development of roots on your cuttings.
  • Growing Medium: Use a sterile, well-draining medium like rock wool cubes or peat pellets.
  • Humidity Dome: A humidity dome or a plastic bag will help maintain the right moisture levels for your clones.
  • Grow Lights: If you’re cloning indoors, provide sufficient light to support initial growth.

Taking the Cuttings

Now, it’s time to take cuttings from the mother plant:

  • Select Healthy Branches: Choose branches that are young, healthy, and have several nodes (where leaves and stems meet).
  • Make Clean Cuts: Use your sharp tool to make clean, diagonal cuts just below a node. Aim for 4-6 inch cuttings.
  • Dip in Rooting Hormone: Dip the cut end of the clone into rooting hormone to stimulate root growth.

Planting the Clones

After taking the cuttings, plant them in the chosen growing medium:

  • Prepare the Medium: If you’re using rock wool or peat pellets, soak them in water and allow excess water to drain.
  • Insert the Cuttings: Gently insert the cuttings into the medium, making sure at least one node is buried. Space them adequately to prevent overcrowding.
  • Humidity Dome: Place a humidity dome or cover the cuttings with a plastic bag to create a humid environment.

Providing the Right Environment

Maintaining the ideal environment is crucial for clone success:

  • Temperature and Humidity: Keep the temperature around 72-78°F (22-26°C) and humidity levels high (around 70-80%).
  • Lighting: Provide 18-24 hours of light per day, either with natural sunlight or grow lights.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow to prevent mold and encourage healthy growth.

Monitoring and Care

Your clones need attention and care to thrive:

  • Watering: Keep the growing medium consistently moist, but not soggy. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Transplanting: Once your clones develop strong roots (typically in 2-3 weeks), transplant them into larger pots or your chosen growing environment.
  • Nutrients: Start feeding your clones with a balanced, diluted nutrient solution when they have established roots.


Can I clone any cannabis strain?

Yes, you can clone almost any cannabis strain, including hybrids and sativas. Just ensure you choose a healthy mother plant with the desired traits.

How long does it take for clones to root?

Clones typically take 2-3 weeks to develop roots. However, this can vary based on environmental conditions and the strain you’re cloning.

Can I clone outdoor cannabis plants?

Yes, you can clone outdoor cannabis plants, but it’s essential to provide them with the right conditions, especially in terms of temperature and humidity.

What is the success rate of cannabis cloning?

With proper techniques and care, the success rate for cannabis cloning can be quite high, often exceeding 90%.

Can I clone a flowering cannabis plant?

While it’s possible to clone a flowering cannabis plant, it’s generally more successful to clone during the vegetative stage when the plant is actively growing.

Do I need a special setup for cannabis cloning?

While a dedicated cloning setup can be helpful, it’s not always necessary. Cloning can be done with basic equipment and careful attention to environmental factors.


Cloning cannabis plants is a valuable skill for any serious cultivator. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully clone your favorite cannabis strains and enjoy consistent, high-quality yields. Remember that practice makes perfect, and with experience, you’ll become a proficient cannabis clone master.

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